Keeping the helicopter industry moving with man power, ferry flights and maintenance solutions.
Keeping the aviation industry current with pilot, simulator and engineering training.
HeliTrax ®
A complete system for tracking, search and selection.
HeliTrax® is Helispeeds unique software, designed to bridge the gap between helicopter pilots, engineers and operators around the world, ensuring that each mission is mutually beneficial. With flexible opportunities ranging from one day to one year, we take care of all the logistics and administrative tasks – from arranging contracts to organising travel arrangements

Inputting your experience and pilot skills into Helitrax allows Helispeed to offer you the opportunity to fulfil Helispeeds short and long term contracts.

Inputting your experience and engineering skills into Helitrax allows Helispeed to offer you the opportunity to fulfil Helispeeds short and long term contracts.

New to HeliTrax®?
Register Today
Enrolling in the HeliTrax database offers a great opportunity to explore and apply for contracts in the aviation and helicopter industry. By registering, you’ll gain access to a wide range of career opportunities for both short and long term roles and access to a variety of both pilot and engineering training courses.